
7 Spielman Road • Fairfield, NJ 07004

Nitrous Oxide Monitoring Renewal Course [AGD Code: #132]


Instructor: Dr. Bruce Hirshorn




This program can be attended as either a Live Webinar or at our School:

Live webinars are interactive and are considered live credits; they are not distance learning.

Individuals who have already taken the Initial program must renew with this 3 hours program every other renewal period.

Please know your renewal period prior to signing up for this class: You need a Nitrous Oxide renewal program ever other license renewal period.  If you sign up and do not need the class you are subject to the cancellation policy.

Learning Objectives:

To provide updated information and review proper procedures and vital signs regarding nitrous oxide monitoring and emergency procedures during and after administration. This course provides three hours of didactic re-certification training for nitrous oxide analgesia monitoring. Emphasis will be placed on recognition of problems and complications during administration and how to quickly terminate administration. Topics to be reviewed: Proper medical history review and recognition of medical emergencies and the proper treatment. The techniques for nitrous oxide analgesia delivery and its effects on the body Preoxygenation, titration, monitoring and termination techniques of nitrous oxide analgesia delivery, signs, symptoms and treatment of complications of nitrous oxide analgesia administration, importance of scavenger systems and safety features.

Course Description:

This program is a renewal program for those individuals who have taken an initial nitrous oxide program.

 Credits:       3 CEUs   [AGD Code: #132] – These credits may NOT be used toward your professional license renewal CE requirement.

  • Instructor:  Dr. Bruce Hirshorn

Requirements to attend using the live webinar option:

  1. You will need a smartphone, tablet, laptop or desktop computer to view it. If using a smartphone or tablet, it is best to have the app for the program on your device (i.e. Zoom).
  2. To verify your continued attendance during the class, you will need a microphone, webcam or the ability to type into the program’s live chat.
  3. Instructors or school personnel will take attendance periodically throughout the class.
  4. Instructors may call on participants.
  5. To verify attendance, a code word may be given sometime during the class.
  6. You will be required to complete and return an evaluation after the course has ended. The evaluation may ask what code word was given.
  7. You may not receive your Certificate of Completion if we cannot verify your attendance.

Live webinar invitations are emailed to registered students approximately one day prior to the class

Certificates of Completion are emailed to students approximately 5 business days after the course.

Additional information


Attend at our School Sun. Sept. 22, 2024 Time: 9am-12pm EST, Live Webinar Sun Sept. 22, 2024 Time: 9am-12pm EST, Live Webinar Sun Nov. 3, 2024 Time: 9am-12pm EST, Attend at our School Sun. Nov. 3, 2024 Time: 9am-12pm EST, Attend at our School Sun. Dec. 15, 2024 Time: 9am to 12pm EST, Live Webinar: Sun. Dec. 15, 2024 Time: 9am to 12pm EST