This book provides a detailed review of Dental Materials. The “Book Way” of mixing materials, their use, and how to apply is provided. This book is an excellent resource for studying for the CDA General Chairside Exam and the Expanded Functions Exam.
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Stay up to date with the uses, properties, and handling of dental materials! With just the right level and scope of content, Dental Materials: Clinical Applications for Dental Assistants and Dental Hygienists, 4th Edition, emphasizes how knowledge of dental materials fits into day-to-day clinical practice. This hands-on resource features clinically focused content supplemented liberally with high-quality photographs, case applications, clinical tips and warnings, and step-by-step procedures, as well as practice opportunities on a companion website. A focus on application and strong art program with additional modern illustrations make this often-difficult subject matter approachable and relevant for today’s dental team members.
1. Introduction to Dental Materials
2. Oral Environment and Patient Considerations
3. Physical Properties of Dental Materials
4. General Handling and Safety of Dental Materials in the Dental Office
5. Principles of Bonding
6. Composites, Glass Ionomers, and Compomers
7. Preventive and Desensitizing Materials
8. Teeth Whitening Materials and Procedures
9. Dental Ceramics
10. Dental Amalgam
11. Metals and Alloys
12. Dental Implants
13. Abrasion, Finishing, Polishing, and Cleaning
14. Dental Cement
15. Impression Materials
16. Gypsum and Wax Products
17. Polymers for Prosthetic Dentistry
18. Provisional Restorations
19. Preventive and Corrective Oral Appliances
Appendix – Answers to Review Questions Glossary Index